What is Reiki?
Everyone's experience will be different so don't harp on what you may or may not feel in a session. Since I have started my spiritual journey two years ago, I was introduced to Reiki by a meditation teacher.
Message for the Collective
With guidance you will find out your purpose, heal your traumas, go through the numerous rebirths and to walk into your power. I will be sharing messages from my guides to give you guidance, encouragement and confirmation.
Oracle Message of the Week
My intention is to share pure light and love from Spirit to you! As I am a spirit in this human body to help lift the vibration of the planet, I want to help you on your journey as well.
Spirit Messages - Full Moon in Pisces
One of the most powerful things you can do to breakthrough barriers, is to be YOURSELF! You aren't meant to conform. You aren't meant to dim your light. Your uniqueness helps others.